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Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books is an activity that involves reading a number of books, working on a team of four, and answering a variety of questions relating to the books. Students choose their own four person teams and compete against other teams in 7th and 8th grades. This activity is open to any student who is willing & able to read 5-20 books in the months of November through February. Competition takes place in the IMC. There is no fee for this activity.

Who can take part?  Open to all students.

How are the teams formed?  Students pick their own teams.  Team members do not have to be from the same grade.  There should be 4 students on a team.

When is Battle of the Book?  Listen to the announcements to find out when you can pick up a form to register your team with the library staff in the Library Media Center.  You may start reading the twenty books any time.


When will the competitions begin?  The "battles" will begin the first full week, and the statewide online competition will be the last full week of February.

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